The word “rehabilitation” is a word we are familiar with. We’ve heard it used on T.V., by our neighbors, by students and teachers.
We can find rehabilitation in different fields of scientific and artistic professions, like the environment. But we know rehabilitation or rehab is most common and prominent in the medical area. There are, in fact, different kinds of rehabilitation. It’s a wonder no one’s confused about one therapy from the other.
So, today, we here in St. Joe Manor will share and explain the kinds of rehabilitation services, especially the one we offer in our assisted living facility in Bonne Terre, Missouri.
Regarding medical and rehabilitative therapy, we have occupational, physical, respiratory, speech, and vision. These therapies help individuals like senior citizens gain strength and control of the therapy’s organs or system. On the other hand, we have psychological treatment. This therapy is focused on cognition, behavior, and attitude, with the brain as its primary organ of focus. Psychological therapies aim to heal the mind and bring back the person to normalcy. But the very first rehabilitation we will get comes under skilled nursing care—the restoration of our body back to healthiness from being ill.
Do you have any questions or need some clarifications? Connect to our senior care assistance in Missouri by calling us at 573-358-2800 for our skilled care or emailing us at sgreco@stjoemanormo.com. You can also stop by our facility at 10 Lake Drive, Suite 123, Bonne Terre, MO 63628.
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